Council invests £ 894k in new music education hub at Castle Newnham
Following a two-tier conversion from Middle to Secondary, building works at Castle Newnham School, in Polhill Avenue, have started on a brand new Music Hub.
Following a two-tier conversion from Middle to Secondary, building works at Castle Newnham School, in Polhill Avenue, have started on a brand new Music Hub.
The Panacea Charitable Trust 2022 grants programme is now live.
This week is Homelessness Awareness Week, and there are a range of events and activities taking place in and around Bedford:
A few weeks ago, local resident and athletics coach Dennis Johnson contacted me to ask for my thoughts on his proposal for a plaque to be installed next year at the Bedford birthplace of Harold Abrahams, the 1924 Olympic 100 metres champion whose triumphant story was told in the film Chariots of Fire. Abrahams is a true Olympic icon, and I couldn't agree more with Dennis that his Bedford roots should be marked in the year of the London 2012 games. Abrahams, who is one of only three British Olympic 100 metre gold medallists, was born at 30 Rutland Road in Bedford. The house was demolished in the 1930s, but Dennis is hopeful that, subject to the agreement of the current householder, a plaque can be put up on display at the current property on the site.
A fly-tipper has been fined this month for illegally dumping a mattress from their car at the glass recycling bank in Priory Country Park, Bedford.
Liberal Democrat Councillor Jake Sampson spoke to Bedford Radio about his experiences with his mother who is deaf. Jake said that through his mother he sees the world with a different lens, "The world that I see as an individual with no disability, is very different to my mother. Not many people understand disability generally".