Budget 2023: Mayor Dave protects services and keeps Council Tax down yet again
Mayor Dave Hodgson has announced his 2023/24 Budget which will be recommended to Full Council next week. The key headlines are:
Mayor Dave Hodgson has announced his 2023/24 Budget which will be recommended to Full Council next week. The key headlines are:
Dave Hodgson was born on an army base where his father taught the children of soldiers and he is passionate in supporting the men and women of our armed services, who daily put their lives in danger for the freedom of our country.
In 2020, Bedford Borough Council received £1.76 million from Historic England as part of the High Street Heritage Action Zone (HSHAZ) scheme. The grant will help to deliver building works to regenerate Bedford High Street, alongside a cultural programme that encourages residents to engage with Bedford's local heritage.
Bedford Borough Council is launching its new Apprenticeship Strategy and it may be surprising to some people that it is not just focused on young people and school leavers. The Strategy will offer apprenticeships for those just starting out, those starting later in life and those who are retraining to take up better paid opportunities. This strategy aims to promote new skills development for people across the Borough, increasing employment and growth.
On Wednesday, the Council unanimously voted to support Councillor Patrick Solomon's motion marking the Windrush generation's contribution to British Society.