Superfast Broadband Coming to Over 8,000 Borough Homes
More than 8,000 homes in Bedford Borough will receive 'superfast broadband' by 2016 as part of a new local broadband project that has successfully secured Government funding.
More than 8,000 homes in Bedford Borough will receive 'superfast broadband' by 2016 as part of a new local broadband project that has successfully secured Government funding.
A Bedford Borough village has celebrated the opening of a brand new primary school, as the Council's major investment programme in school buildings and facilities continues. The official opening of Shortstown Primary School, which opened on schedule at the beginning of the autumn term, took place on Thursday 24th October. The two form entry school was formally opened by Mayor Dave Hodgson.
Bedford Borough Council has been 'highly commended' for its work to improve rural bus services at the National Transport Awards.
Mayor Announces Measure to Support Shoppers and Boost Town Centre Trade Further
Local Lib Dem Cllr Tim Hill has been working with representatives of the Sir Malcolm Stewart Trust and Borough Council officers to tackle the issue of replacing rotting window frames on the Sir Malcolm Stewart Homes estate.
Construction of a new surface car park at Greyfriars starts on Monday as the long awaited regeneration of the Bedford Bus Station area continues.