Free Bus Travel Extended
Mayor Dave Hodgson has announced that Bedford Borough Council has arranged with bus companies to give local bus pass holders free travel during peak time.
Mayor Dave Hodgson has announced that Bedford Borough Council has arranged with bus companies to give local bus pass holders free travel during peak time.
This week is Deaf Awareness Week, and Bedford Borough Liberal Democrats are backing its important message locally. Liberal Democrat Councillor Tim Hill, who is hearing impaired, has stressed the importance of the campaign's work to raise awareness of the needs of those who are deaf or have hearing loss, and highlighted the benefits this can bring locally.
Earlier this month saw the 100th free bike donation to NHS key workers from Sustrans, through Bedford Borough Council.
Dave Hodgson was born on an army base where his father taught the children of soldiers and he is passionate in supporting the men and women of our armed services, who daily put their lives in danger for the freedom of our country.
The latest weekly coronavirus snapshot for Bedford Borough has been published.
20mph limits are in the pipeline for the whole of the Castle Road area after Councillors Lucy Bywater and Ben Foley for Castle ward and Councillors Hilde Hendrickx and Jake Sampson for Newnham ward worked together to bring the long awaited reduced speed limit to the neighbourhood. The councillors shared part of the cost equally from their ward funds with the Council funding part of the scheme as well.