Not such a Happy New Year
It wasn't a very Happy New Year for Bedford's rail users this week, with fares over 3% higher as of Wednesday.
It wasn't a very Happy New Year for Bedford's rail users this week, with fares over 3% higher as of Wednesday.
Today is #WorldBookDay. The perfect excuse to dust off an old favourite or even pick up something new.
Bedford Borough Council has introduced ten short-term parking bays across Bedford Town Centre, to allow shoppers to take advantage of click & collect in Bedford Borough.
Yesterday I welcomed Liberal Democrat Business Minister Ed Davey MP to Bedford Town Centre to discuss the regeneration activity going on in the town and to talk about the range of positive ways in which Bedford is responding to the challenges facing all town centres in the current climate. The visit coincided with yesterday's publication of the report into the future of Britain's High Streets by 'Queen of Shops' Mary Portas, and Mr Davey came to Bedford to see for himself how the Council, local businesses and residents are working together to improve their town centre now and in the future.
As November draws to a close, so does Movember, the month-long charity event in support of men's health, in particular prostate cancer and other cancers that can affect men. If you happen to have seen me over the past week you may have realised that along with many men across the country, I have taken part myself in order to help raise vital funds and awareness for men's health. Clearly I was not in a position to grow a moustache from scratch, but when the Times and Citizen newspaper suggested I submit myself to the mercy of a public vote to choose what style of moustache I should wear in support of the charity, I felt that losing the beard for a while in this way was a small price to pay for such an important cause.
Bedford Borough Liberal Democrats have welcomed the Council's proposed policy on Sky Lantern releases, which bans them from, over and on Council land and premises. It also confirms that any releases are considered potential littering and may be met with enforcement action.