Introduction of Mayor's Free Parking Deal Sees 60% Jump In Visitors to Lurke Street
New figures show the number of people using a town centre car park has risen by a phenomenal 60%, since the Mayor's Free Parking Deal was introduced last month.
New figures show the number of people using a town centre car park has risen by a phenomenal 60%, since the Mayor's Free Parking Deal was introduced last month.
Lib Dem Mayor of Bedford Borough, Dave Hodgson visited Kempston Rural Lower School on Wednesday 18th December to turn the last nut in the steel framework to launch the construction of new buildings for the school. Once completed in September 2014, the school will operate as a 2 form entry school for its reception years, catering for the additional pupils from the new developments at land west of Kempston.
A major summit of Local leaders in Apprenticeships convened by Mayor Dave Hodgson has concluded with key partners in education, training and commerce challenging themselves and each other to deliver a further dramatic rise in annual apprenticeships in Bedford Borough, or '2016 in 2016'. With dramatic growth in apprentice numbers already having been achieved in recent years, the summit has set a target of 2016 new Apprenticeships provided annually by 2016, which would represent an increase of 50% against current figures.
Works to improve the river walk between Prebend Street and Town Bridge are now underway.
- Council Tax Freeze
Bedford Borough Council has joined forces with Bedford and District Citizens Advice Bureau in backing the third Big Energy Saving Week, which takes place from the 27th to 31st January 2014.