Watt a Bright Idea!
A Bedford Borough school will soon be saving money on its energy bills and reducing its impact on the environment after receiving more than £16,000 from the Climate Change Fund.
A Bedford Borough school will soon be saving money on its energy bills and reducing its impact on the environment after receiving more than £16,000 from the Climate Change Fund.
Bedford Borough Council is working with local emergency services and volunteer groups to provide a joined up approach to tackle the threat of floods affecting homes and businesses in the borough.
The Planning Inspector has supported Bedford Borough Council in refusing an appeal by G Moore who wanted to operate more lorries and extend their use throughout the night.
Under Lib Dem Mayor Dave Hodgson new apprenticeships in Bedford Borough have shot up by 157% since 2010. Now growth in opportunities for young people and job seekers is set for another major boost thanks to Mayor Dave's Apprenticeship Challenge: 2016 in 2016.
This year is River Festival year, with the dates of the biennial celebration of the very best of Bedford confirmed as Saturday 19th & Sunday 20th July 2014.