Extending Free Bus Travel
Bedford Borough Council has arranged with bus companies give local bus pass holders free travel during peak time.
Bedford Borough Council has arranged with bus companies give local bus pass holders free travel during peak time.
Mayor Dave Hodgson has recorded a video message about the Council's new Community Hub. You can view the message here.
In response to the Government's announcement about the closure of leisure facilities due to the coronavirus outbreak, all leisure sites provided by Fusion Lifestyle are now closed until further notice. For further information, please visit Fusion Lifestyles website.
Volunteers from Bedford Borough Liberal Democrats are delivering a special FOCUS leaflet giving contact details and useful websites for those that need further information and/or advice regarding the Coronavirus.
The East West Rail Company is holding a number of community events open to the public to discuss the next steps for the railway, these will include an opportunity to ask questions and have your say about the exact route of East West Rail.
Following the announcements made by the government on 20 March to the tackle the spread of the coronavirus, The Higgins Bedford and all Bedford Borough Council libraries will close with immediate effect with the exception of a reduced service at Bedford Central Library.