Thameslink to run more trains from 6 September.
Thameslink have announced they will run more trains during the week from 6 September.
Thameslink have announced they will run more trains during the week from 6 September.
Mayor Dave Hodgson's latest email outlines the Council's postion on the Resettlement of Afghan nationals. Dave wrote:
Bedford Borough Council is asking landlords to get in touch if they have any empty properties available to let in the coming weeks.
It's been estimated that 14.5million pumpkins will be left uneaten this Halloween, just in the UK.
Bedford Borough Council will be providing vouchers to families with children eligible for income related free school meals.
There is a consultation on the regeneration and development of the Greyfriars area this Wednesday (29 June), as part of the Local Plan consultation, in the Howard Centre between 11am and 2pm where you can have you say.