Dave Hodgson to run for Mayor
On Monday evening Dave Hodgson was selected by the Borough Liberal Democrats as their candidate for Mayor of Bedford.
On Monday evening Dave Hodgson was selected by the Borough Liberal Democrats as their candidate for Mayor of Bedford.
On Monday evening Dave Hodgson was selected by the Borough Liberal Democrats as their candidate for Mayor of Bedford. Dave who has lived in Bedford for 30 years is currently leader of the Liberal Democrats on Bedford Borough Council - the largest group on the Council. He was appointed Cabinet member for Partnerships and IT by Frank Branston, whose sudden death gave rise to the by-election for Mayor.
Edward Davey MP joined Dave Hodgson and local Liberal Democrats on the campaign trail in Bedford last night. Liberal Democrat Shadow Foreign Secretary Edward Davey MP visited Bedford last night to help Dave Hodgson's campaign to become Mayor of Bedford Borough. Mr Davey spoke to Dave about the key issues for the by-election campaign, and heard about Dave's priorities for supporting the local economy, improving local roads, tackling crime and protecting the environment, before hitting the campaign trail and meeting local residents in Bedford.
During the Kingsbrook & Cauldwell "Fortnight of Action" I took the opportunity to get my scooter marked with "Smart Water". "Smart Water" uniquely identifies your property, it's described as water with its own DNA, and it can be used on jewellery and other valuables without damaging them.
On Saturday I was invited to Mile Road allotments to help judge some prizes! Although I am sometimes known tongue-in-cheek as "Farmer Dave" due to my relatively late conversion to gardening, I will admit I'm no expert, but I did my best. I'd give prizes to everyone who has the energy and "stick-at-it-ability" to tend an allotment but apparently that wasn't allowed.
I went along to the Biddenham village fete today and enjoyed the fete where I met with friends and the sunshine. There were lots of interesting stalls including produce and crafts such as jewellery. And have you ever seen a "human fruit machine"?