Mayor Dave - Foster Care Changes Futures for the Better
It's Foster Care Fortnight 2019 across the UK, and Mayor Dave Hodgson and Bedford Borough Council are issuing a call for more foster families in Bedford Borough.
It's Foster Care Fortnight 2019 across the UK, and Mayor Dave Hodgson and Bedford Borough Council are issuing a call for more foster families in Bedford Borough.
Mayor of Bedford Borough Dave Hodgson has given a warm welcome to Bedford to... the Mayor of Bedford! Bedford, Ohio in the United States, that is, whose mayor, Stan Koci, visited Bedford (Bedfordshire) with his wife last week during a European trip to celebrate 50 years of marriage.
Summer must be coming, because the Bedford International Kite Festival has come around again. It's taking place this Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd June in Russell Park, and this year in addition to the all of the usual attractions at this free event there's a lot more going on besides.
Mayor Dave Hodgson has thanked everyone involved in a packed weekend of free family festival fun in Bedford, following the International Kite Festival and first Bedford Festival of Motoring at Russell Park and the Embankment.
Mayor Dave Hodgson has wished a happy Eid-al-Fitr to all.
Today is World Environment Day, and with this year's theme being air quality, Mayor Dave Hodgson has taken the opportunity to promote public transport as an alternative to car usage.