World Environment Day
Today is World Environment Day, and with this year's theme being air quality, Mayor Dave Hodgson has taken the opportunity to promote public transport as an alternative to car usage.
Today is World Environment Day, and with this year's theme being air quality, Mayor Dave Hodgson has taken the opportunity to promote public transport as an alternative to car usage.
On the 75th anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy, Mayor Dave Hodgson has paid tribute and highlighted the 'extraorindary, eternal debt of gratitude we all owe.'
In his latest monthly column for the Bedford Borough Bulletin, Mayor Dave Hodgson has highlighted the strength of his new Cabinet and stressed the importance of 'hitting the ground running in the task of continuing to save services, create jobs and protect our environment.'
Network Rail are holding a public information event about the works they are carrying out on the Bromham Road Bridge later this month, that will last until 2020. The Network Rail event is taking place today, Tuesday 11th June, between 3pm and 7pm at The Bedford Centre Hotel on St. Mary's Street.
Thanks to the Town Centre Champions community group and 77 independent businesses who have signed up to take part, Bedford's first Fiver Fest is under way and runs through until Saturday 15th June.
Mayor Dave Hodgson has announced a series of new initiatives including a climate change fund, support for young people, local public realm improvements and further measures to attract people to Bedford town centre. Alongside the new initiatives, continued funding is also set to be allocated for the successful Bedford Jobs Hub.