Big Energy Saving Week 2020
Big Energy Saving Week is a national campaign to help people cut their energy bills and get all the financial support they are entitled to.
Big Energy Saving Week is a national campaign to help people cut their energy bills and get all the financial support they are entitled to.
Bedford Borough Council Community Engagement has been shortlisted in Keep Britain Tidy's annual awards.
This afternoon there was a short commemoration of Holocaust Memorial Day led by Bedford Council of Faiths at the Anne Frank Tree in Russell Park.
Bedford i-Worx is officially open following a ribbon cutting by Mayor Dave Hodgson and Peter Horrocks CBE, SEMLEP's Chair on Monday of this week.
Bedford Borough Council and Sustrans, the sustainable transport charity, work with local schools in Bedford Borough to encourage children and parents to walk, cycle or scoot to school.
It has been announced that East West Rail will be stopping at Bedford Midland station, connecting the town directly to Cambridge and Oxford.