Employment and Skills Information Day
The Jobs Hub will, in partnership with its local training providers, be holding an Employment and Skills Information Day on the 20th January at the Queens Park Neighbourhood Centre.
The Jobs Hub will, in partnership with its local training providers, be holding an Employment and Skills Information Day on the 20th January at the Queens Park Neighbourhood Centre.
Bedford Borough Council has launched a Rail Investment Strategy, setting out priorities for railway services for Bedford Borough.
One of the things that has bothered me for a number of years, and I know it bothers many local residents too is the absence of Bedford on the television weather maps.
Have you signed the petition calling on BBC Look East to put Bedford on their weather map?
From today businesses on St Cuthbert's Street have launched a campaign to beat the blues. Often in January, post Christmas and when the weather is now so great, people suffer a bit of a lull. The St Cuthbert's Street businesses have come together to offere a range of discounts. There are even some special discounts for those coming to see the Bedford Blues. You can find out more about this week's promotions on the Town Centre Champions facebook event here.
Holocaust Memorial Day is the international day to remember those killed under Nazi persecution and in subsequent genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur.