Free Sunday Parking in All Council Car Parks!
Bedford Borough Council has announced more good news for Bedford Town Centre and local shoppers with the introduction of free parking on Sundays in all town centre car parks.
Bedford Borough Council has announced more good news for Bedford Town Centre and local shoppers with the introduction of free parking on Sundays in all town centre car parks.
- Breheny Civil Engineering appointed to commence £18.6million project
Work is well underway to restore derelict buildings on St Paul's Square to their former glory and provide much-needed affordable town centre housing for local people.
In another major boost for shoppers and businesses, free parking all day on Sundays is being introduced across all Council car parks. The decision is the latest in a string of measures to support shoppers and encourage town centre trade under Mayor Dave, with four successsive years of shoppers' car park charge freezes, the Mayor's Free Parking Deal on Saturdays, the new surface car park opposite the bus station and much more.
Mayor Dave Hodgson has signed the decision to authorise the appointment of the contractor to construct the crucial final phase of the Bedford Western Bypass, meaning work will start on site within weeks. Breheny Civil Engineering have been appointed to carry out the £18.6million project to complete a route which has featured in local and national plans for over fifty years. Breheny won the tender after scoring highest on both quality and price, in a process launched after a series of obstacles blocking the project were overcome after Mayor Dave Hodgson launched Compulsory Purchase Order proceedings.