Host a street party to celebrate the Coronation
This year the UK will mark the Coronation of King Charles III with a three-day bank holiday weekend from Saturday 6 May to Monday 8 May 2022.
This year the UK will mark the Coronation of King Charles III with a three-day bank holiday weekend from Saturday 6 May to Monday 8 May 2022.
Bedford Borough Liberal Democrats have praised social care workers after new figures revealed that the amount of homecare delivered across the Borough has doubled in the past ten years.
Due to coronavirus this is a challenging time for everyone, including children. Children and young people will have particular concerns and questions, so the Children's Commissioner for England has created a children's guide to coronavirus to help explain the situation.
Following the resignation of HEART Multi Academy Trust (MAT) Chief Executive Clare Smith, Mayor Dave Hodgson has said that the changes at the top of the organisation are indicative of the severe problems both with their now-halted proposals for Cauldwell, Shackleton and Shortstown Primary Schools and with the way HEART sought to impose them.
This afternoon there was a short commemoration of Holocaust Memorial Day led by Bedford Council of Faiths at the Anne Frank Tree in Russell Park.
The latest weekly coronavirus snapshot for Bedford Borough has been published.