Bedford Borough Liberal Democrats
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News from the Liberal Democrats

New Government COVID plan continues to be behind the curve
Commenting on the Government's COVID winter plan Liberal Democrat Group Leader Councillor Christine McHugh reminded last week's Local Outbreak Engagement Board that "The national Government's response has been behind the curve throughout the pandemic, reacting too late to trends that were in fact obvious. Despite the success of the vaccines and vaccine rollout, the latest figures show there are over 10 times the number of cases, 16 times the number of hospitalisations and 3 times as many deaths now compared with the same time last year. In addition, national commentators are saying hospitals are currently operating close to winter-level pressures before winter has even begun."

Priory Country Park Wins Green Flag Award for 20th Year in A Row
The Green Flag Award is celebrating its Silver Jubilee, marking 25 years of excellence. Today, environmental charity Keep Britain Tidy, is revealing the names of over 2,000 parks and green spaces across the UK that have collected a coveted Green Flag Award for 2021.

Pints in the Parishes in Wootton Tomorrow Night!
A new programme of 'Pints in the Parishes' events gets underway tomorrow night, at The Chequers pub in Wootton. These sessions are intended to provide an opportunity for me to hear directly from anyone who wants to discuss the issues important to them in an informal, local environment. They are also a chance for for me to show my support for local, community pubs. I will be in The Chequers from around 7.30pm.

16-17 year olds can now get their Coronavirus vaccination
16-17 year olds can now get their Coronavirus vaccination at one of Bedford Borough's drop-in clinics:

World AIDS Day
To mark World Aids Day Bedford Corn Exchange has been lit red this evening.