Sports Awards 2018
The Bedford Sports Awards has become a key date in the local sporting calendar, with athletes, coaches and clubs all gathered to celebrate the dedication, hard work and successes over the year.
The Bedford Sports Awards has become a key date in the local sporting calendar, with athletes, coaches and clubs all gathered to celebrate the dedication, hard work and successes over the year.
The Council's LibraryPlus digital model launched in 2017 is proving to be a success in the three libraries where it was introduced - Bedford Central Library, Bromham Library and Wootton Library. Bedford Borough has a higher rate of book issues than the average for England with 3,572 issues per 1,000 population (England's average is 2,990).
Network Rail are holding an information event ahead of their works on Bromham Bridge which will start on Monday 4th March. Their information event will take place at the Park Inn Hotel, 2 St Mary's Street, Bedford, MK42 0AR on Friday 22nd February between 3pm aand 7pm.
Big Energy Saving Week is a national campaign to help people cut their energy bills and get all the financial support they are entitled to.
I am delighted that the Bedford Academy was included by the government amongst the schools listed previously as 'for discussion' which will receive funding for the projects planned under the Building Schools for the Future programme. The Academy will replace John Bunyan Upper School, of course, and as John Bunyan's Chair of Governors and the former former Ward Councillor for Kingsbrook, not to mention a local resident, I know the community very well. I am therefore aware of just how important the investment in the education of current and future generations of young people in the area will be.
A Bedford residents association has launched a crowdfunding campaign to raise money to plant trees along a busy road, as a means of improving their area, and helping to tackle common issues such as speeding, pollution and littering.