Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations
In just four weeks we will be celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee and there will be a number of events taking place across Bedford Borough.
In just four weeks we will be celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee and there will be a number of events taking place across Bedford Borough.
Before setting out on the village tour trail on Saturday, I went along to the final Rivercare event of 2011. Rivercare events are run by the Coucil, and are open to anyone to come along and help improve the riverside environment in Bedford. Saturday's 'Green and Arty River Clean Up' concentrated on the area near Aspects and Longholme Way. In addition to the usual litter pick, a mural was also painted in the underpass which links Aspects to the embankment, while the railings were also repainted. My talents were best suited to repainting the railings, as you can see from the photo! It was really enjoyable to work alongside the numerous local volunteers young and old who gave up their Saturday morning to make a positive difference to our shared riverside environment. I want to say thanks once again to all those who came out and got stuck in. They provided an example of real community spirit in action, in common with all of those people across Bedford Borough who take care of their local environment .
Mayor Dave Hodgson officially reopened the Bandstand and welcomed the return of Music in the Meadows with Bedford Town Band being the first to perform.
Restoration work on two more Bedford High Street properties has started on site under the heritage-based regeneration programme which is delivering £4.5 million of investment into the High Street area. No.'s 99 and 101, towards the northern end of the High Street, are being restored together, and follow a string of succesful restoration and regeneration works on and around the High Street. These include the dramatic transformation of the 'Coffee With Art' building, and the ongoing work to bring the fifteenth century 1-4 St Paul's buildings back into use after forty years standing derelict in one of Bedford town centre's most prominent locations.
Mayor Dave Hodgson has wished everyone a Happy Bedfordshire Day, and declared that he is 'proud of Bedfordshire and proud that Bedford is the county town.' The Bedfordshire flag has been flying from Borough Hall all day and, at Mayor Dave's suggestion, the staff canteen has been serving Bedfordshire Clangers and Chocolate Toothpaste!
Bedford Borough Council and Sustrans, the sustainable transport charity, work with local schools in Bedford Borough to encourage children and parents to walk, cycle or scoot to school.