Update from Kingsbrook
Action Update
Action Update
The construction of a completed western bypass will go ahead after Mayor Dave Hodgson announced that the Council has successfully overcome the array of obstacles blocking the crucial project. The Council is now issuing tender documents and building work is expected to start as soon as September.
Local Liberal Democrat Borough Councillor Tim Hill has met with representatives of the company promoting the Millbrook Power Gas-Fired Power Station to discuss the implications of their proposal on Stewartby and the surrounding area.
Anyone caught spitting or urinating in public in Bedford Borough could soon face a £75 fine.
This year is River Festival year, with the dates of the biennial celebration of the very best of Bedford confirmed as Saturday 19th & Sunday 20th July 2014.
Bedford Borough Council has joined forces with Bedford and District Citizens Advice Bureau in backing the third Big Energy Saving Week, which takes place from the 27th to 31st January 2014.