East West Rail reconfirmed in the Budget
The Chancellor has again reconfirmed the government's plans for the East West Railway. What is unacceptable is that he has revealed that there will be no news for residents for around another two months.
The Chancellor has again reconfirmed the government's plans for the East West Railway. What is unacceptable is that he has revealed that there will be no news for residents for around another two months.
Open fires and wood-burning or multi-fuel stoves have risen in popularity over recent years. There are many benefits for users but burning at home contributes to a type of pollutant called fine particulate matter. This is present in smoke and the tiny particles can harm the health of people that breath it in.
Last night, Bedford Borough Council's Climate Change Committee praised the Mayor's Climate Change Fund for providing almost £400,000 in funding for community buildings and vulnerable residents. This has amounted in almost 60 tonnes of CO2 saved per year from this fund alone. This forms part of Mayor Dave Hodgson's commitment to achieving a net zero carbon council by 2030.
Councillor Jake Sampson has decided not to stand again as candidate at the local elections in May. When elected in 2019, Councillor Sampson was the youngest ever elected councillor to Bedford Borough Council representing Newnham Ward. In the run up to the 4th May Local Elections, Councillor Sampson will be putting his support behind his fellow ward councillor Councillor Hilde Hendrickx, the new Liberal Democrat candidates for Castle Newnham, Tom Pattinson, and Riverfield, Billy Thompson, as well as the whole Liberal Democrat team.
Bedford Borough Council and Gibbs and Dandy, a leading building and construction material supplier, have announced a collaborative effort to improve energy efficiency in vulnerable households to reduce their energy bills. The Council has purchased £10,000 worth of energy-efficient light bulbs, and Gibbs and Dandy will match the Council's £5,000 investment.
Today marks the three-year anniversary of the first COVID-19 lockdown in March 2020. Bedford Borough remembers the residents we lost over this time and supports all those still suffering from physical and mental health issues from the pandemic. The Council has been praised for their outstanding work during the pandemic, from Mayor Dave Hodgson setting up the Community Hub, to the activation of thousands of volunteers to help support vulnerable people, to the provision of food for those in need and the provision of air filters in schools to ensure our pupils could study safely.