Council Teams up with Police, Fire Service and others for Week of Action in Midland Road and Tavistock Street
This week, Bedford Borough Community Safety Partnership is running a 'Week of Action' in the Midland Road and Tavistock Street areas.
This week, Bedford Borough Community Safety Partnership is running a 'Week of Action' in the Midland Road and Tavistock Street areas.
Mayor Dave Hodgson has insisted that if Theresa May's claim that 'austerity is over' means anything at all, the Tory Government must use its forthcoming budget to change course dramatically over its plans to continue with massive, punishing cuts for local services.
Mayor Dave Hodgson has praised parents fighting against HEART Multi Academy Trust's 'alarming and extremely damaging plans' to remove Head Teachers and scrap local governing bodies from Cauldwell, Shortstown and Shackleton schools. Mayor Dave's comments came following a huge turnout by parents at last night's Full Council meeting, where over 150 people were in attendance to demonstrate their opposition to HEART's plans.
Bedford Town Bridge has joined a wave of light across the UK to mark Baby Loss Awareness Week.
Mayor Dave Hodgson has been informed that the HEART Academies Trust is holding meetings tonight (16th) and tomorrow (17th) for parents and carers of children at Shortstown, Shackleton or Cauldwell Primary Schools about their deeply unpopular plans to remove the Head Teacher posts and local governing bodies from those schools. Both meetings are taking place at Bedford Academy on Mile Road, at 6:30pm.
It was World Homeless Day last week, and in his regular email update, Mayor Dave Hodgson thanked volunteers and organisations helping to support rough sleepers and tackle homelessness locally. He also shared a video from his recent visit to SMART Prebend Day Centre's open day, where Lisa from SMART listed the items they are asking people to donate at the moment. You can read the full email, including the link to the video, below: