Online Help and advice for your Wellbeing
A new online page has been launched by Bedford Borough Council to help people look after their wellbeing, particularly while in isolation.
A new online page has been launched by Bedford Borough Council to help people look after their wellbeing, particularly while in isolation.
To protect the health and wellbeing of the public, organisers, and military personnel and veterans, and in line with national guidance, the decision has been made to postpone the VE Day commemoration events in Bedford Borough.
Local charity The Harpur Trust announced this week that it is investing £1.5 million from its reserves to support Bedford charities through the Coronavirus pandemic.
The Government has updated it's Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme information and advice.
Bedford Borough Council is restarting green waste collections from Monday 27 April. Residents must check when their next garden waste collection will be by visiting www.bedford.gov.uk/bins.
Despite the coronavirus pandemic presenting huge challenges for businesses, firms across Bedford Borough are stepping up in a wide variety of ways in support of the local and national effort to tackle the virus, protect the NHS and keep people safe.