Black Lives Matter - Standing in Solidarity
Bedford Borough Liberal Democrat Group's Councillors have backed the Stand Up To Racism movement and Black Lives Matter.
Bedford Borough Liberal Democrat Group's Councillors have backed the Stand Up To Racism movement and Black Lives Matter.
Big Energy Saving Week is a national campaign to help people cut their energy bills and get all the financial support they are entitled to.
Dave Hodgson was born on an army base where his father taught the children of soldiers and he is passionate in supporting the men and women of our armed services, who daily put their lives in danger for the freedom of our country.
The latest weekly coronavirus snapshot for Bedford Borough has been published.
The latest weekly Coronavirus snapshot for Bedford Borough has been published.
In a recent column for the Bedford Borough Bulletin, Mayor Dave Hodgson wrote about the decision to commit Bedford Borough Council to becoming council's commitment to becoming a single-use plastics free council by the end of 2020.