All Set for Village Tour 2011 - 60 in 30!
60 and 30 are the key numbers for my 2011 village tour, which gets underway tomorrow with open surgeries at Farndish, Hinwick, Podington and Wymington. This year I will be visiting 60 villages across the Borough in September's 30 days, holding a mobile surgery in each village and talking to rural residents about the issues that matter to them. The village tour is intended to give people the best possible chance to talk to me directly about any issues they want to raise. Clearly it's not easy for everyone to get to Borough Hall for one of my monthly 'by appointment' surgeries, or to one of my monthly 'out and about' sessions, so I hope lots of people take the chance to come and talk to me while I'm in their neighbourhood. For more information about where you can find me or how to arrange to see me, including full dates, times and locations for the village tour, click on the 'Meet Dave' button on the menu on the front page of