This free weekend of fun and games is on from 10am - 4pm on both Saturday, 30 August and Sunday, 31 August.
Mayor Dave Hodgson was nominated by Dominic Quirke to do the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge- video here.
Following the publication of GCSE grades for students across Bedford Borough yesterday, Mayor Dave Hodgson has congratulated students and teachers on their achievements.
With work to link Oxford and Bedford as part of East-West Rail now underway, Lib Dem Mayor Dave Hodgson has welcomed a new report which identifies the huge economic benefit of extending the scheme to Cambridge. The report published this week by the East West Rail Consortium, of which Bedford Borough Council is a member along with other local authorities along the route, states that the it will deliver an economic benefit of up to around £750 million, and could see a direct train link enabling journey times between Cambridge and Bedford of just 24 minutes.
New figures released by charitable donation website JustGiving has revealed Bedford to be the UK's most generous town, based on donations made via the site. JustGiving released the figures after calculating the total size of donations from the UK's towns, by postcode, then accounting for the number of donors relative to the population size.